Text: OAI
Photo: Finn.no
It’s still winter – but an increase in the number of ads on Finn.no is a lovely sign of spring
It doesn’t take much to make us motorcyclists happy, and just watching the growth in the number of sales ads on Finn.no is enough to make many happy. An increase in the number of sales ads is a sure sign that spring is on its way and we are literally wallowing in news or new exciting opportunities every single day now. At the very darkest or quietest part of this winter, the numbers were all the way down to about 3,200 ads and just in the last few weeks we can see a nice growth and we are now up to almost 4,300 ads. Within weeks, we will pass 5 and 6,000 ads on the way to the top, which is expected to be about 9,000. This creates joy and not least optimism among us motorcyclists. Finn.no is a distinctly Norwegian and almost cultural phenomenon that has been tried to be copied to other countries, but without succeeding in the same way as here at home and one does not quite understand why the idea cannot be copied. Schibsted hardly sees this as a social mission, but the channel undoubtedly creates joy and therapy for a great many people, and motorcyclists are probably also among those who enjoy the daily news on Finn.no.
Many believe that the second-hand market will grow
Many in the industry believe in further growth in the second-hand market and that growth here may come as a consequence of slightly cooled new bike sales. If these analysts are right, we may
pass the 10,000 mark at some point, we’ll see. It is also not inconceivable that more companies will emerge that specialize in the sale of used bikes and only that.