Published in MC avisa 26.07.2023 at 13:55 Last updated: 26.07.2023 at 14:00 Text Ole-Andreas Isdahl
The traditional Straand Hotel in Vrådal, like others in the tourism industry, has faced plenty of challenges in recent years.
The weak Norwegian krone is a new obstacle.
However, the hotel has chosen to turn this into something positive.
– Our message to holiday-ready Norwegians throughout the month has been clear: get the most out of your krone, spend your holiday in Norway,” says Hotel Director Lars Arne Straand.
He has been in a storm ever since the pandemic hit both Vrådal and the rest of the world at the start of the summer season three years ago.
Lockdowns, layoffs and a difficult market followed in its wake.
When the country reopened, high electricity prices hit the hotel industry hard.
This year’s summer holidays have also presented challenges.
A weak Norwegian krone, interest rate hikes and increased costs form the backdrop for this summer season.
Once again, the CEO has had to think about opportunities rather than limitations.
And it is the business idea that emerged during the pandemic that continues to attract new guests to Straand Hotel.
– We developed the Hubriding concept, which targets motorcyclists and car enthusiasts.
Hubriding involves guests staying at the hotel for several days and riding exciting day trips in Telemark and the region.
“The fantastic thing about HUBriding is that you can return to the same bed every single day, meet old or new friends, and enjoy life as a HUB-rider with us,” says hotel manager Katrine Straand, and goes on to explain how they are now using the concept to take travel-ready Norwegians on trips in their own country.
– With a weak Norwegian krone, vacationing abroad is getting expensive.
Especially for those traveling by motorcycle and car, where the costs are extra noticeable.
This type of tourist is also very concerned about the weather, as they naturally want to ride in the sun, with the wind in their hair, and be able to take breaks along the way to experience the nature where they are traveling.
The Hubriding concept has been implemented at other historic hotels across the country.
We know that there is always sun somewhere in Norway.
So in addition to saying that tourists get the most out of their money by vacationing in their own country, we say: Let the weather forecast decide where you travel,” says Straand enthusiastically.
The hotel manager admits that he has checked Yr more often than usual during the campaign period.
– “Yes, of course.
We usually have a lot of sunshine in Vrådal, so I’m confident that the guests will continue to come and that they will have a good stay with us,” smile Katrine and Lars Arne Straand.
Facts about Straand Hotel Straand Hotel, located by Lake Nisser in Vrådal in Kviteseid municipality, was started as a ski station in 1864.
Today, it is the fifth generation of Katrine and Lars Arne Straand who welcome guests.
With historical roots with horses and carts at the center, strategic investment in modern iron horses (MC) has contributed to new opportunities.
Our new concept, where you can enjoy new and exciting routes on a motorcycle, classic car or bicycle every single day, has been a success.
Straand Hotel is a full-service hotel with 125 rooms in a beautiful cultural landscape in Vrådal, well suited as a starting point for round trips and good driving experiences.
In Vrådal there are great hiking opportunities, a golf course on an island and good skiing opportunities in winter.
M/S Fram, a vintage boat from 1909, is moored at the hotel for lock cruises on Nisser.
The hotel is a good starting point for discovering beautiful Telemark, a little piece of Norway in miniature.
Together with Vrådal Booking, we offer a wide range of accommodation, cabins and apartments in beautiful Vrådal.
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Facts about HubRiding HUB riding is a concept tailored to everyday motorcyclists, regular cyclists and those who travel by car.
The concept offers the best an enthusiast could wish for on a trip.
You can stay at the hotel, avoid boring transportation stages and enjoy routes from 100 to 650 km with guaranteed turns.
All routes are day trips, based on map studies and test drives in some of the best driving terrain you can find.
The concept includes the provision of services such as great food and riding experiences, washing and easy maintenance, drying facilities, packed lunches and access to technical support.
The great thing about HUBriding is that every single day you can return to the same bed, meet old or new friends and enjoy life as a HUB rider with us.
Let’s Hub it!