
The goats in Våtedalen

Route 3

The goats in Våtedalen

A rich route through the varied landscape of western Norway, with local food experiences and fjord views.

The route is defined as simple

Routes that are defined as easy are suitable for everyone regardless of experience.

5:00 hours

260 km

3.1 out of 10

Assessed by the number of clicks on this page in the last two weeks compared to all Hubriding routes.

Follow the Norwegian Scenic Route to Moskog through lush hamlets, with lakes, mountains and waterfalls. Turn north and drive through Våtedalen where you can meet a nice herd of goats and a beautiful green river. Make a stop at Bakar Jon in Byrkjelo for fresh baked goods and a great selection of local food. Continue to Sandane, Hyen and along Hyefjorden. Then back along the Førdefjord, through Førde to Sande and through the Gaular valley along waterfalls and lakes back to Flatheim.

Long description is missing


How can I navigate the route?

This depends primarily on whether you have installed a GPS, navigate by App on your mobile phone or prefer paper printouts. Here we describe the most common workflows:

  • Download the GPX file for the route you want to your computer
  • Import the file to your route planning tool (e.g. Garmin's Basecamp or Tom Tom's MyDrive)
  • Export the route to your GPS in the usual way
  • Check that the route is calculated correctly in your GPS (It is recommended that the GPS is set to select the fastest route and any avoidance turned off for the route to be calculated as described).
  • Have a great trip!
  • Download the GPX file for the route you want to your mobile phone
  • Send/open the file in the App that belongs to your GPS model (e.g. Garmin's Drive or Tom Tom's MyDrive)
  • Send the route to your GPS (follow the instructions that come with your GPS and App)
  • Check that the route is calculated correctly in your GPS (It is recommended that the GPS is set to select the fastest route and any avoidance turned off for the route to be calculated as described).
  • Have a great trip!

Many of the routes on Hubriding use the app Ride with GPS app for route planning and navigation of the routes. You can download this as a free version or pay for extended use. Click on the Send to Device link on the map on this page, when the app has started and you see the current route, click Navigate and then just follow the route.

  • Click on the link in the map on the page and the map will open in a new window
  • Print the map, with or without description
  • Have a great trip!